Name: HOGIE Raphaël
Age : 17 years old
Nationality: I'm french
Can you donate via paypal? If it is with SMS maybe but my parents don't agree
Where you from: I'm french ^^
whats your Specialty: I prefer snipe but I play with all the guns
What gun is your Favorite(has to be a Sniper): Dragunov !!!
Are you good at knife(yes or no): Yes
How did you know about us: I have spoken with Stalker and I were headshoting him when he said for me that I can join you (with an e-mail)
Do u have any recommendations by any {SU} member (look for higher ranks): No sorry
Who was your Spectator: ( You must have a Spectator can be either MOD or Admin) Euh Stalker I suppose
Were/are you in any other clans: In none
Can you buy a server(via off gametracker etc): No
Do you have Microphone: No