ATTN: If you want to make an app to join {SU}, read this, copy and paste the example, fill it out. then you will have to wait until a ranking {SU} member has time to spec you. You will need a tryout, which is when a ranking {SU} member watches you for a few matches.
Here is the example app {copy and paste in a new topic titled Ex: "sYnced's App for {SU}"}
Age :
Can you donate via paypal?
Where you from:
whats your Specialty:
What gun is your Favorite(has to be a Sniper):
Are you good at knife(yes or no):
How did you know about us:
Do u have any recommendations by any {SU} member (look for higher ranks):
Who was your Spectator: ( You must have a Spectator can be either MOD or Admin)
Were/are you in any other clans:
Can you buy a server(via off gametracker etc):
Do you have Microphone:
thanks, follow these guidelines and youll be sure to get some .:DMN:. tags on soon!